Leaving for Cancun- Tomorrow!

I really should be getting some beauty rest but I am too excited to sleep! Tomorrow morning I leave for Cancun, Mexico and i just cannot wait to dive in the crystal blue water! Of course, i cant wait to see my family as well- it has been too long since i last visited! My Abuela and my uncle Javier live nearby so i get to see them too :) Im going to try and keep you guys as updated as possible with some outfit posts - there is the most gorgeous spots to take photos!!- but I don't want to bore shane with being photographer the whole time LOL. Speaking of which, I also cant wait to just spend some much needed relaxation time with my boyfriend. Its going to be great to have a get away from studys and stress and deadlines, i need a massage! Well, i suppose i should get to bed, I want to get at the airport by ten. XO


, Je suis Natalie


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